


keyboard_backspace Health plans

Learn about our Sense Detox health plan

Stress, processed food, alcohol, cigarettes, other stimulants and air pollution have a negative impact on us. Our body has the natural ability to detoxify, however, when the body is not in balance it needs additional support. Our original Detox Sense plan will help free your body from toxins in order to make full use of the opportunity to regenerate and self-heal and keep your body in a good condition for many years.

Assessment of health condition:

  • The plan was developed for the people, for whom regular cleansing of the body is important (detoxification therapy is usually recommended twice a year, in autumn and spring).
  • The purpose of the detoxification process is regeneration and supplementation of the body, improving physiological balance, relieving the digestive system, counteracting the aging processes, achieving the desired mental balance, sometimes losing weight and improving well-being.

Clean your body and make it healthy

The process begins with a visit to the treating physician, and then an individual detoxification plan is developed in cooperation between the doctor and the patient. Our plans are available in options of 4, 7 and 14 days. They contain services in the field of diagnostics, manual therapy, balneology, diet, intravenous therapies, cosmetology and selected sports activities. The doctor may combine all the above treatments and activities in a plan or develop a plan including only selected option at request of the patient.

Elements of the Detox Sense plan:

  • support and care by the Medical Concierge,
  • individual treatment plan of 4, 7 or 14 days,
  • interdisciplinary consultations with doctors and qualified specialists,
  • diagnosis and assessment of health status.

*This is an exemplary plan that will be personalised by the treating physician taking into account the needs of each patient.

Health plans - process and action