

Indications Indications

Acne treatment

Acne is a chronic skin disease. Associated with adolescence, in fact it affects people of all ages. The cause of acne is excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. A mixture of lipid substances clogs the pores, which in turn leads to the formation of a number of lesions accompanying acne. Read more.


Erythema is a local redness of the skin - a symptom very commonly reported by patients in dermatological practices. Read more.


Hyperpigmentation covers all kinds of skin color changes. Darker freckles, dots or or more extensive spots are caused by sunlight. In women over 40 years of age, the appearance of hyperpigmentation is usually associated with hormonal changes. Read more.

Scars and stretch marks

Scar formation is a natural reaction of the body to skin damage resulting from an accident, surgery or disease. Read more.

Face oval

With age, the face loses its oval shape. This is a common phenomenon, caused by loss of firmness of the skin around the mandible and cheeks, resulting from the natural aging process. Read more.


Wrinkles are visible furrows being a consequence of the natural aging process of the skin. Their appearance, location and depth are influenced by mimics, hydration of the body, exposure to UV rays, stress, diet, but also habits such as smoking cigarettes and the way we care for the skin. Read more.

Eye area

The eye area is an area particularly vulnerable to the appearance of unsightly changes. With age, the skin becomes less elastic, thinner, devoid of adequate amount of body fat, and often dry and full of wrinkles. Problems such as dark circles under the eyes or drooping eyelids can be solved with the help of aesthetic medicine. Read more.


The shape and size of the mouth significantly affects the appearance and aesthetics of the entire face. The contemporary beauty canon are full lips with clearly marked contours. Narrow or asymmetric lips, as well as those with poorly marked shape may excite complexes and the need to correct their appearance. Asymmetric lips and atrophy of the red pigment in the lips also occur. Read more.


Naevi are skin defects of varied appearance and nature. We distinguish vascular, melanocytic, adnexal and epidermal naevi. The most common are melanocytic naevi - their amount increases with age. Any lesion that raises concern for the patient should be examined by a dermatologist. Specialists also recommend prophylactic skin examination once a year. Read more.

Face modelling

The face shape has a huge impact on a sense of attractiveness and self-esteem. However, with age, the skin loses its elasticity and hydration, the first signs of aging appear, contours change. As a result of gradual loss of fat from the face area, wrinkles and sagging skin may also appear. Moreover, with age, this tissue moves from the cheeks to the area of the chin and neck. Read more.

Dry skin

Dry skin not only looks unsightly, but also causes discomfort - a feeling of tightness, roughness, and even burning and itching. Additionally, the skin reacts strongly to external factors, e.g. frost or wind. Contrary to what be might expect, the cause of dry skin is not dehydration, but the lack of lipids, and thus the disruption of its barrier function. Read more.

Hair and scalp problems

The scalp is a special part of our body - it is distinguished by a large number of receptors and a high rate of sebum production. Dark and warm environment promotes the development of fungal infections. In addition, with improper care it is easy to develop diseases such as seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, mycosis, seborrhoea, scalp psoriasis or dandruff.. Read more.


Hyperhidrosis is a burdensome problem that has its source in excessively intense functioning of the sweat glands with regard to maintaining optimum body temperature. Most often it affects the armpits, hands and feet. From a medical point of view, hyperhidrosis is observed when persistent or repeated episodes significantly hinder the patient's normal functioning. It is also a problem when excessive sweating is not associated with external factors - high temperature, stress, etc. Read more.


Considered not only as a dental problem, but also as a psychosomatic disease, bruxism is habitual, unconscious clenching of the jaws and grinding of teeth. In psychiatry it is considered as parasomnia, i.e. sleep disorder. Bruxism is a multifactoral condition, the cause of which is not fully explained yet. Its development may be affected by anxiety, stress, deficiencies, hormonal disorders, but also defects directly related to the oral cavity, e.g. occlusion disorders. Read more.


Lipodystrophy, a term used in medical literature for cellulite, is an abnormal fat distribution. This skin disorder leads to changes in skin appearance. Unsightly changes in the subcutaneous tissue may be visible to the naked eye or only after a pinching of the skin fold. Read more.

Excess body fat

In a healthy person the amount of body fat should not exceed 20% of body weight. This tissue occurs in virtually every part of the body, but most of it is located on the abdomen, thighs, arms and chest. Medicine distinguishes brown and white adipose tissue. The latter is responsible for excess weight and obesity. Read more.

Muscle tone and myalgia

Tense muscles and muscle pains are a very common problem nowadays. Their source is stress, fatigue, prolonged sitting or standing, but also abnormal posture and lack of physical activity. High muscle tone, if not diagnosed and corrected in time, can lead to complications, such as ischaemia or damage to ligaments and tendons. Read more.


Regular hair removal from areas such as legs, armpits, bikini and face is not only aesthetic, but also hygienic. The most popular, home method - shaving with a razor - involves irritations, discomfort, as well as the need to repeat the procedure every day. Other methods, such as wax patches, allow you to get rid of unwanted hair for longer. However, they are associated with pain, difficult to bear for many patients. Read more.

Body modeling

The perfect figure is the dream of many people. However, the body fat deposited in unwanted parts can effectively reduce self-esteem and self-confidence. An excess of the body fat around the thighs (the so-called breeches), saggy skin in the area of rarely used triceps (the so-called pelicans) - these are only some flaws of a sihouette that can be effectively eliminated. Read more.

Intimate area

Urinary incontinence is a disease that affects as many as 30% of women. Due to its nature, we divide it into urge, stress and mixed types. However, this is not the only problem of the intimate area faced by women. While urinary incontinence is primarily of medical importance, aesthetic reasons and the quality of sexual life are also significant when it comes to the appearance of the intimate area. Read more.

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