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Increased muscle tone in adults - how to deal with it? Review of treatments

Muscle, neck and nape pains, but also ailments such as numbness of the hands or headaches - these are only some symptoms of increased muscle tone! When the body is paralysed with stress, manual therapy comes to your rescue together with a number of natural treatments such as hydrotherapy, phangotherapy and light therapy. Find out how to cope with increased muscle tone in a quick way.

How is increased muscle tone manifested?

Increased muscle tone, also known as hypertonia, is characterized by a constant tension of soft tissues, and primarily of the muscles. This causes their stiffness, which is easy to recognize due to increased resistance of the limb, trunk or head when performing certain movements or, for example, a physiotherapy test.

With increased tension, the muscles do not enter the relaxation phase. This condition causes a number of ailments, including neck, shoulder and scapula pain, stiffness of the whole body or its individual parts, limb tremors, excessive sweating, involuntary tightening of the fists, teeth and lips, cramping, tiled posture, and even a sense of lack of control over your own body.

When the body is paralysed with stress, or the causes of increased muscle tone

By far the most common cause of increased muscle tone in adults is chronic stress. Second cause in terms of prevalence is a compression caused by abnormal body posture. Muscle tone may also be a reaction to pain, immobilisation or frequent assumption of uncomfortable posture, as well as injuries. Increased muscle tone may also be a result of neurological problems.

Increased muscle tone can be cured, and also by means of relatively simple, non-invasive methods. The type of therapy depends on the cause of the problem. In most cases, relaxation of the body is the key to success. To this end, a wide range of physiotherapy treatments are used.

If the source of the problem are neurological factors, pharmacotherapy is used. Therefore, it is important not to treat this disorder by yourself, but consult your doctor and do the necessary examinations.

A therapy needed right away

When increased muscle tone is at stake, the consequences of neglecting it may be very serious. Failure to counteract this disorder may lead to permanent changes in the skeletal system, such as scoliosis or spinal curvature, as well as muscle deformities. Untreated increased muscle tone may cause neurological problems such as numbness of the hands, losing fitness, headaches and dizziness, susceptibility to injuries, etc.

Increased muscle tone can be cured!

In the case of increased muscle tone, you must act quickly. This will prevent further complications. If there are no neurological factors involved, rapid improvement will be brought by manual treatments, hydrotherapy, light therapy, cold therapy etc. At Sense Med Concept, you have a choice of different forms of therapy - but they are always carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy by a  physiotherapist is the basis for the treatment of increased muscle tone. Using, among others, massages properly selected for the patient's needs, the specialist leads to relaxation of stiff muscles, eliminates pain and improves joint mobility. In addition, exercises for increased muscle tone are performed at the physiotherapist's office. After prior instruction, the patient may also perform them at home.


A wide range of massages for increased muscle tone performed at the physiotherapist's office at Sense Med Concept allows you to achieve very good results. Classic massage relaxes muscles, relieves muscle tension and provides relaxation. In sports massage, the physiotherapist most often uses more strength. Thanks to that an effect of improving blood and lymph circulation is achieved. The patient may also benefit from a wide range of medical massages focused strictly on the treatment of increased muscle tone. The therapy is perfectly complemented with stretching - a set of exercises that involve muscle stretching in order to make them flexible.


This rehabilitation method using beneficial water properties has the effect of relaxing and relieving pain, and thus, reduces increased muscle tone. The effect of hydrotherapy also improves circulation and metabolism. A wide selection of Sense Med Concept treatments - whirlpool, brine, ozone baths, water jets, etc. - allows to tailor the therapy and its effects to each patient.

Light therapy

Sollux lamp emits short radiation - visible (white) and infrared (IR) light - thanks to which it exhibits health-promoting and biostimulator properties. In response to infrared light, the autonomic nervous system reduces muscle tone in the selected body part.High-energy laser is also used in the treatment of increased muscle tone. Topical therapy brings immediate tone reduction effect and long-term pain reduction.

Cold therapy

Low-temperature therapy is most often used as a preparation of the muscular system for further treatments. However, cold therapy in itself brings relief from pain and improves blood circulation. Treatments such as topical cryotherapy or cryochamber used systemically have a positive influence on the entire body of the patient.


Fangotherapy used for increased muscle tone in adults is widely used in medicine. Mud compresses - with the use of peloid, i.e. underwater sediment with peat-like properties - have a relaxing, anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal effects. The treatment is used as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of increased muscle tone.

These treatments not only relieve the symptoms of increased muscle tone, but also counteract its recurrence. Treatment is part of a comprehensive therapy of Sense Med Concept, which assumes not only the limiting of ailments, but also bringing the quality of life to a higher level, due to relaxation, relief and restoration of life harmony.

Article by Sense Med Concept

 medical revision: Beata Jasica


Barnes M.P.: Postępowanie w spastyczności [in:] „Farmakoterapia w psychiatrii i neurologii” 2005; 3, pp. 241-248. [accessed on: 10.01.2023]

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